Which Cruel Prince Character Are You

Embark on a captivating journey of self-discovery with our “Which Cruel Prince Character Are You” quiz. Dive into the intricate world of Holly Black’s enchanting novel and uncover the character that resonates most deeply within you.

Prepare to unravel the motivations, strengths, and vulnerabilities of the enigmatic characters that populate The Cruel Prince. Through a series of insightful questions, you will delve into their personalities and explore the complex relationships that shape their destinies.

Character Analysis

In “The Cruel Prince,” Holly Black creates a cast of complex and multifaceted characters who drive the story forward. Each character possesses unique motivations, traits, strengths, and weaknesses that shape their actions and interactions.

Jude Duarte

  • Motivations:Survival, protection of her sisters, independence
  • Traits:Intelligent, resourceful, determined, fiercely protective
  • Strengths:Strategic thinking, adaptability, loyalty
  • Weaknesses:Impulsivity, tendency to overthink, emotional vulnerability

Cardan Greenbriar, Which cruel prince character are you

  • Motivations:Power, control, acceptance
  • Traits:Manipulative, cunning, unpredictable, charming
  • Strengths:Intelligence, wit, charisma
  • Weaknesses:Insecurity, fear of rejection, self-destructive tendencies


  • Motivations:Loyalty, honor, love
  • Traits:Kind, compassionate, courageous, loyal
  • Strengths:Physical strength, unwavering loyalty, ability to inspire
  • Weaknesses:Naivety, tendency to trust too easily, vulnerability to manipulation

Character Comparison

Jude and Cardan

  • Similarities:Intelligence, cunning, determination
  • Differences:Motivations (survival vs. power), personality (fiercely protective vs. manipulative), weaknesses (emotional vulnerability vs. insecurity)

Locke and Cardan

  • Similarities:Physical strength, charm
  • Differences:Morals (loyalty and honor vs. manipulation and deception), motivations (love and loyalty vs. power and control), weaknesses (naivety vs. self-destructive tendencies)

Character Relationships

Jude and Taryn

Jude and Taryn’s relationship is complex and strained. As sisters, they share a bond of loyalty and protectiveness. However, their different personalities and motivations often lead to conflict.

Jude and Locke

Jude and Locke’s relationship is based on mutual respect and affection. Locke’s unwavering loyalty and Jude’s intelligence and determination complement each other, making them a formidable team.

Cardan and Locke

Cardan and Locke have a tense and antagonistic relationship. Cardan sees Locke as a threat to his power, while Locke despises Cardan’s manipulative nature.

Character Impact

Jude’s Influence

  • Challenges the traditional gender roles within the Faerie Court
  • Inspires others to stand up for themselves and fight for what they believe in
  • Forces Cardan to confront his own insecurities and vulnerabilities

Cardan’s Influence

  • Maintains the delicate balance of power within the Faerie Court
  • Challenges Jude’s beliefs and forces her to question her own motives
  • Provides a glimpse into the complex and often contradictory nature of power

Character Symbolism: Which Cruel Prince Character Are You

Which cruel prince character are you


  • Hummingbird:Represents her determination and resilience
  • Oak Tree:Symbolizes her strength and stability


  • Fox:Represents his cunning and adaptability
  • Shadow:Embodies his mysterious and unpredictable nature

Character Development

Jude’s Growth

Throughout the novel, Jude undergoes significant growth and transformation. She learns to embrace her own strength and cunning, and she develops a deeper understanding of the complexities of the Faerie Court.

Cardan’s Transformation

Cardan’s character also evolves over the course of the story. He gradually sheds his manipulative facade and reveals a more vulnerable and compassionate side.

Characterization Techniques

First-Person Narration

The novel is narrated from Jude’s perspective, which allows readers to gain an intimate understanding of her thoughts, feelings, and motivations.


Black uses foreshadowing to hint at future events, creating suspense and anticipation.


The novel is rich in vivid imagery that transports readers into the magical world of the Faerie Court.

FAQ Guide

What is the purpose of this quiz?

This quiz aims to identify the Cruel Prince character that aligns most closely with your personality traits, motivations, and values.

How accurate are the results?

The accuracy of the results depends on the honesty and self-awareness with which you answer the questions. The quiz is designed to provide insights based on the information you provide.